Well, you know what used to be really cool was taking some Rush to Great Adventure or any amusement park.  You could take a whiff of amyl nitrate before going down on the freefall.  It could work on any old roller coaster but it seemed to be especially fitting for the free fall rides. I know it’s a cheap line but what the hell?  You get away with whatever you can get away with. 


What a fucking rush!

kindly forgive expression. 

couldn’t resist it.  


Hell, the rush itself is pretty cheap but in this day and age you have to get your kicks anyway you possibly can as cheaply as you can as often as you can as intensely as can be possible and without hesitation.  And if a cheapie like this is the ticket then ride with it while you can.  It really is a tremendous rush.  You won’t feel better about the next morning but it is fun while it lasts.

fun lasting seconds

slowed to perceived awareness

descending softly


Author's Notes/Comments: 

written in the late 80's when I had a lot more hair and a lot more courage--and maybe a little less wisdom.

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allets's picture

The Things We Do

and then wonder, why? Or not. Rusing was never my thing. Water Park - once,  never touched the water. -  slc



georgeschaefer's picture

yes, the follies of youth.

yes, the follies of youth.