

Stoner logic


that I try

to create verse


when the muse

is asleep

and the little mice

have free rein

to scavenge my thoughts


so a few good crumbs

get pilfered in the deal

and I am left 

with the chewed at remains


but the metaphors are twisted

and I find the effort

at allegory stifling


Rebuked by laziness; the inertia becomes

my registered trademark

and the copyright

is vehemently protected


I get nothing done

but I manage

to get in my buzz


and the music

continues to rock and soul

and I just let it pass


but not everybody 

is sold on that persona

and they insist

I jot these lines down


And so for those

I dedicate these stanzas

and only hope they’re not

too bitterly disappointed.




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allets's picture

Caught between worlds

"...the inertia becomes

my registered trademark

and the copyright

is vehemently protected."

This is one fine bit of writing - slc




georgeschaefer's picture

I'm not as think as you

I'm not as think as you stoned I am