Still waiting for the right moment to find the work. Several cases pilling up on my desk and the keyboard is getting tense. I hear the chatter from the next cuibicle over. There's always problems to be had. Sounds like someone got an unruly customer on the tele. Well, that fate awaiting me, I make a quick dash to the break room to grab a cup of joe. Everyone fears Monday but that anonymous Tuesday morning call is the one that kills the week. It can be a Wednesday before or after the hump when the boss drops new work that you really have no time to perform. Things never go your way so you have to create a little fantasy life for yourself. There's a map of the world on your wall for a reason and it's not work related.
Cubicle Rambo
thinks ball point pen a knife
poison skypes are sent
Water cooler rendez-vous
to plot the insurrection