

I’d tell you that

you look nice today

but you always look nice

so then I would 

have to tell you

that you look nice


and that would be boring.


My poetry

is redundant enough

as it is, already.

I can’t afford 

to be so redundant

in my everyday life, too.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

written in the late 90's.

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allets's picture

I Read You

And I believe! - actually you just tell it and to me that is good writing and good telling - slc



georgeschaefer's picture

well thank you much.  I have

well thank you much.  I have enjoyed your own work and your imput on my writing as well.

Teytonon's picture


Hahaha. Good way to start the day. Don’t think twice, it’s alright.

georgeschaefer's picture

If you're partial to Herr

If you're partial to Herr Zimmerman

Teytonon's picture


He used to be a nice Jewish boy. His bar mitzvah was very nice. Lousy food though.