

Statue of James Joyce

outside the Dublin pub

sitting next to bench


inebriated chatter

ensued from the earnest drunks


Author's Notes/Comments: 

notes from Dublin 2011.


STATUE OF JOYCE – bathroomgraffiti

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allets's picture

Know Of Any

statues of usa writers anywhere - I'd visit them on line. Maybe search later - slc Searched: found a quiz statues of famous writers - found pix of famous usa writers also. - I knew hemingway, your statue of Joyce was in there, Poe, and I the Brontes. Cool. Thanks. - slc




georgeschaefer's picture

Henry Wordsworth Longfellow,

Henry Wordsworth Longfellow, Dante Alighieri,Kahlil Gibran, and Taras Schevchenko all have statues in DC in the northwest quadrant.  Poe has a statue in Boston.  Of course, we have a statue of Walt Whitman in Philly at Broad and Packer (close to the bridge we named after him.

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Vergil, Dante, Eliot, and

Vergil, Dante, Eliot, and Stevens . . . I would love to see, and be able to visit, statues of them.  


georgeschaefer's picture

Dante is in DC as noted in my

Dante is in DC as noted in my above reply.