

Statue of James Joyce

outside the Dublin pub

sitting next to bench


inebriated chatter

ensued from the earnest drunks


Author's Notes/Comments: 

notes from Dublin 2011.


STATUE OF JOYCE – bathroomgraffiti

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allets's picture

Know Of Any

statues of usa writers anywhere - I'd visit them on line. Maybe search later - slc Searched: found a quiz statues of famous writers - found pix of famous usa writers also. - I knew hemingway, your statue of Joyce was in there, Poe, and I the Brontes. Cool. Thanks. - slc




georgeschaefer's picture

Henry Wordsworth Longfellow,

Henry Wordsworth Longfellow, Dante Alighieri,Kahlil Gibran, and Taras Schevchenko all have statues in DC in the northwest quadrant.  Poe has a statue in Boston.  Of course, we have a statue of Walt Whitman in Philly at Broad and Packer (close to the bridge we named after him.

J-C4113d's picture

Vergil, Dante, Eliot, and

Vergil, Dante, Eliot, and Stevens . . . I would love to see, and be able to visit, statues of them.  

J-Called [fka Starward]

georgeschaefer's picture

Dante is in DC as noted in my

Dante is in DC as noted in my above reply.