This tanka was published in Of Love and War and the Life in Between, an anthology from the Tanka Society of America. The first is the original tanka as I first wrote it and the second is the verse as edited for the publication.
I agreed to the adjustment. I like having two different versions. I am finding as I go through all my old notebooks that I have multiple versions of different poems. It's good to work with other people to get different perspectives on verse. thank you for dropping by and commenting.
thanks. I actually edit and change my own poems all the time anyway. When I do poetry readings, I change words and lines. I think both have merit. Mallarmé once wrote that one never completes a poem, one merely abandons it. Maybe he was on to something.
They Changed Your Poem
I agreed to the adjustment.
I agreed to the adjustment. I like having two different versions. I am finding as I go through all my old notebooks that I have multiple versions of different poems. It's good to work with other people to get different perspectives on verse. thank you for dropping by and commenting.
The first version is more
The first version is more intense and tells more of the situation. I am glad postpoems leaves editing to the poets.
J-Called [fka Starward]
thanks. I actually edit and
thanks. I actually edit and change my own poems all the time anyway. When I do poetry readings, I change words and lines. I think both have merit. Mallarmé once wrote that one never completes a poem, one merely abandons it. Maybe he was on to something.
I like your reference to
I like your reference to Mallarme. I will go look that up.
J-Called [fka Starward]
thanks, always glad to refer
thanks, always glad to refer people to great poetry