You were pissed off
even though
I hadn’t said
anything wrong
and it began
to dawn on me
that you weren’t
pissed off at
what I had said
you were pissed off
at something
I hadn’t said.
Problem is,
it’s hard enough
for me to remember
all those things
that I actually said
It’s damn near impossible
to remember
all the things
that I haven’t said.
I just wish
I could find a way
to make you understand.
Reading this was eerie
Reading this was eerie because it describes so well one of the major problems my first sweetheart and I ebcountered, causing her to end the relationship---an emotional devestation that lasted sixteen years.
over 16 tears, there must
over 16 tears, there must have been a lot of misunderstandings and memory lapses. thanks for dropping by and commenting.
Yes. From Jan 9th of 1978
Yes. From Jan 9th of 1978 thr -ough December 18 of 1992, her absence left a gap in my life that not even my first marriage could fill. Then I met the woman who became my second wife, and the gap closed in a matter of days. It is still a huge scar, but no longer seeps tears or unbound emotions.
time heals all wounds but
time heals all wounds but occasionally a few scars remain. Glad you survived and emerged stronger (eventually)
I really like the way that you wrote this
Its so relatable
And i could feel the frustration
Along with a misinterpretation
As if i was actually watching the conversation
Turn into an argument
Well written.
"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo
well, thank you kindly. Glad
well, thank you kindly. Glad you enjoyed it.
I hope I was supposed to laugh out loud, because I'm now down to a strong chuckle mixed with some snorting and snickers. Good job! - slc
I was being dead
I was being dead serious--lol.
I laughed too. Then I got mad. Yes, again, it was just not said.
© Sootyash All rights reserved.
I always see the sideways
I always see the sideways glances. I know I'm in trouble.