

I once drank 

two 40 ouncers

of Crazy Horse malt liquor

while watching

Sam Shepard in “Fool for Love”

before 7 AM.


& the sun crept up

over the horizon

& it’s rising rays suggested 

the dawning of a new day.


Crazy Horse & Philly blunt cigars

walk hand in hand

with the unemployment line

& the sickness

of being envious

of those with real jobs.


It was probably

an insignificant moment

like all too many other

meaningless moments


I look at my neighbors

getting in their cars

& driving off to work

where they’ll no doubt

moan and bitch all day.


& me, I’ll finish off the bottle

& crawl into bed

for a good morning’s sleep.


There’s a period

of self doubt

& wailing boredom

at inefficient time spent


but years later

it’ll matter little

and no one else will

 really give a damn

& truth be told

neither will I.


I put out the cigar

and I wave to passing cars

of neighbors

heading off to work.


My eyes are bloodshot

Sleep will do me good

as long as the sun

isn’t too intense.


7 AM is as good

a time as any

to hit the hay.

I felt that way then

& I still feel that way now.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's been awhile since I've had to deal with unemployment but it's not all that great.

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Seryddwr's picture

You have described it well

You have described it well and intensely.  My son has just recently lost his job (after two decades of continuous employment); and, just as it was with me in 2004, it was due to an error that meant nothing until someone wanted to make something of it.  In the bank in which I work, all of us are always one error, or one customer complaint, from dismissal.  Loyalty to employees no longer exists, because corporate boards are too busy compensating themselves and their executive cronies rather than looking out for the interests of the workforce that makes their damned profits for them.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

georgeschaefer's picture

thanks, I had several bouts

thanks, I had several bouts with unemployment back in the day.  Now I'm over 50 so I'm hoping I can hold on to my current gig until I'm able to retire.  Sounds like you had a rough ride but made out okay.  Good luck to your son.  Hopefully he'll get another job and make out all right.

Seryddwr's picture

Thank you.  The first couple

Thank you.  The first couple of years were a very rough ride, as our income had been cut down to less than half of what it was.  My son's is about in the same proportion.  Thanbks for the kind words and the good wish for him.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

georgeschaefer's picture

Glad to hear.  I know that

Glad to hear.  I know that feeling of getting downsized and having to take a job for less money just to survive.  Belated merry Christmas and timely happy new year.

allets's picture


Horrible being unemployed, but great being retired - Happy Day slc



georgeschaefer's picture

I wrote that one back in the

I wrote that one back in the late 90's during an unemployment stint.  Things are a bit better now.  I still have some years before retirement but I'm getting there.  thanks for reading and commenting.