I always like to walk

from the Esplanade

and stop at Liuzza’s at the track.


Ponce de Leon Street is well named

for location; 

a couple Bloody Mary’s before Jazzfest

is the right thing to do.


They had a great mix

& added full olives, celery sticks, peapods.

You do a double

and hang out with locals and festgoers.


I always made sure

to eat the celery, olives and peapods.

I count it as a serving of vegetables.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

getting old enough I have to start thinking healthy.

Ground's picture


Oooh, i loved N'Orleans. Fun town.

© Ground

georgeschaefer's picture

oh, yeah!  the big easy is

oh, yeah!  the big easy is calling.

allets's picture

That's Funny

Did you see the comments on Trump's rake story. A hoot! Or rather a gobble gobble. :D  slc



georgeschaefer's picture

I haven't raked my own

I haven't raked my own leaves.  I like the sound of footsteps on the leaves.