She was handing me 

a flask filled w/ J.D.

as raindrops bounced off

my rain poncho

& ran down my face.

And she smiled 

as I shivered at the burn.


I crack a few jokes

to hear her Southern laugh

as I feel the rain

as it patters off the ground

and it’s just 3:00am

and the band is still playing.


My feet are sinking

in the mud

and my knees 

are turning to butter.

She wants to smoke a joint

and produces a joint.

She offers me psilocybin

should I be so inclined.


I suspect she wants

to get me wasted

to take advantage of me.


But in the spirit 

of the moment

I had to take that chance.

There is something magical

and truly special

about being corrupted

by a Baptist minister’s daughter.




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allets's picture


and preferences for entertaining oneself can be a bit extreme and prone to be attractive - such is the nature of sin apparently. Great write, Sue. slc