Who am I?

This is quite a question to ask, 

I am many things to many people. 


A mother to my daughter, 

For her I am: 

Strong, gentle, loving, knowledgeable, and reliable 


A daughter to my mom, 

For her I am: 

Dependable, caring, helpful, and able. 


A granddaughter to my grandfather, 

For him I am: 

A companion, meals on wheels, a good listener, laughter, and 

Pure love radiant like the sun in his declining years. 


A friend to my girlfriends, their families and friends, 

For them I am: 

A caretaker of animals, homes, and their well-being. 


Ex-wife to my ex- husband, 

For him I am: 

The sole custodian of our daughter, working with him to raise her, 

Talking about issues important to her health and well-being. 


Employee to employers past and present, 

For them I am: 

Dependable, reliable, hardworking, loyal, and congenial. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is my introductory poem. 

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who are you

to yourself

you have eloquently described a person to many others

do you have any eloquence left for yourself

I pray you do...



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot