Wicked Wizard's Reply

White lies
Cover the rainfall again
Same replies

Dream on
Wishing wells run like the wind
Pennies being tossed on a whim
Ripple the heartstrings again

The wizard leaves a potion, that's tossed into motion
and speaks of devotion.
It's thrown to the ocean

Does this heart need a puncture of faith?
Is this papercut going to waste?

All that is asked is a treasure of longing,
a whisper of holding. An absence of wronging.
A penny of music
A potion of fingers entwined

And this was the wizard's reply:

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patriciajj's picture

Wow. One brilliant line

Wow. One brilliant line spilling into another. I'm particularly enthralled by your ending—a cliffhanger that spoke more powerfully than additional words. Still swimming in this. 

allets's picture

Nice Line

"An absence of wronging." Cool use of water. "Is this papercut going to waste?" Ouch.  POET! POET! ~S~



exthias1983's picture

I very much like this kne as

I very much like this kne as well!!! It flows well, and just rolls off of the tongue. ;)