Act your shoe size they say

Act your shoe size they say

but is that really teh best thing to do

If i did then i would forever be eith and a half

I would have no cares

and run up every set of stairs

I would run and play and run away

Act your shoe size they say

But maybe i'll listen some other day

Because i don't want to run and play all day

or even run away

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i got the insparation to write this from my best friend.

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secret reader's picture

interesting topic...catchy title too! but...

i think you're trying too hard to rhyme things here. i'm not saying you shouldn't rhyme, or that you have too, but it seems as if the rhythm of your poem is getting thrown off. it doesn't flow too well anymore. i'd say after the first three lines, you start to stumble.

Noelle S's picture

i like this's cute

Chris Denisewicz's picture

hey jen its chris...thanks for the compliments on my writing :-) i just write things down that happen that day all the things i have wrote were an incident that happend that day or just the way i was feeling at that point in time...and i was reading ur stuff and i like gots sum feeling to it...and seems like u were kinda through a heartbreak or sumtin similar to that...but got sum good stuff :-)