The Break Up.


"It's not you. It's me."

I feel like taking you by the shoulders,

grabbing you and shaking, shaking, shaking, until your head screws loose and flies away.

I’d ask you if you've seen my mind - because I’ve obviously misplaced it.

Question: Do you really think I'm that stupid? Obviously so.

Inside I'm screaming - dying; beating at my chest and ripping at my clothes.

But on the surface I'm calm and collected, smiling and nodding to you that I'm fine.

Question: Do you know me at all? It appears not.

Unzip my skin and see who I am within.

You still want to be my friend?

That's just peachy.

I'd wrap my arms around you if I knew you'd actually feel them.

I’m sinking like a balloon low on helium.

Down, down, down  

When I'm alone,

I let loose the whirlwind of Crystalline tears,

which scream as they sweep down my cheeks like a roller coaster.

Later I will pull letters from my mouth and try to fix them into words that you’ll understand, but all I'll recieve is a stern reprimand.

You will only become confused, and say, "Haven't we already talked about this?"

You seem perplexed.

So let me put it simply:

Love me.

Hold me.

Kiss me...

Miss me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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B Y's picture

I aboslutely love this poem. It's obviously very emotive and i can fully empathise with it. Its the madness that is loving someone. i really liked this piece.