The sun's gone down, the sky is gray
Light turns to night for another day
I'll love you forever - forever won't last
Time rolls on by, it's fading to fast
One door closes while another swings free
Live on ahead, don't wait up for me.
A rose will wither but a bud will bloom
And in death there's another life soon
A soul is sick who will soon get better
My tears will seal this one last letter.
A child will cry, An ocean will form,
A baby will die just yesterday born.
The sun will rise, birds will sing,
Hopes and dreams will float upstream.
Your lips will part, lies will unfold,
Binds will break because of what was told.
A woman will weep, a girl will grow
A life of pain will be written and known
But in the depths of sorrow a laugh will rise
Happiness will come back and light up her eyes
A voice will sing, guide you back to the light
All that was wrong will be justified right.
A star will be born and on stage she will act
The hope and passion will bring her back
She'll grow old with her beloved one
Hand in hand till their last day is done
The sun will set, clouds rolling on high
Life they both lived... Then they will die.
For an older poem, this one was VERY good. It was long, I like long poems, and it made me think alot... I really like this one, it's one of my favourites! :)