Winning a Losing Battle

The air heats, and my eyes shift.
I deduce everything,
Observing sound and motion slowly
Through the still frames of my minds eye.
And the conclusion is still the same.
I cannot form words to illustrate
The regret which overcomes me
When considering the inconsiderate nature
Of my deeds.
I am petulant, callous,
And I use an alterior moral compass with which to navigate myself.
But I always win.
I always get what I want.
Until now.
And that is now another thing I will always
Wish I could take back.
But life IS a game of chess, and we are all our own pawns and figureheads,
And I just lost.

I truly will be my own destruction one day.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Kind of... appropriate.

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Poets Are Liars

I lie in public. It cleanses the moral compass...poets are like doctors, the worst patients~loved figureheads~A