It stared at me,
Cheesecake and chocolate chip cookies,
Mocking my thighs.
The shifting of my eyes,
And the slight bit of tongue,
Pressing against my chapped lips,
And sticking to my dry, flaking skin.
My eyes were bloodshot,
And old tears glued my eyelashes together,
My stomach would not silence,
Yet my mind willed it all away.
I was trapped,
Forbidden from this buffet of death,
And weight gain,
I would not let it in,
I refused to let myself fall victim,
To the metallic God.
A diary of lost hope and broken reality,
Of food I could not eat,
Of water I could not drink,
Of scars that would not heal,
And screams I could not feel.
In the dark, distant dream of ribs,
And a taboo of self esteem.