Oh Hussein how can I love you and be afraid to fight your wars?
My inadequacies quickly become my scars.
Oh Hussein why can’t I be like Sukayna, your beloved
Or be like Hurr free from this ard?
Why can’t I be brave like Imam Zain ul-Abedeen
Standing up tall when my father is no where to be seen?
Why can’t I be like Abbass, your servant, your brother
And lose my life to give you drops of precious water?
How can I cry for you without feeling shame?
I torture myself with the thought of whether I would do the same.
Oh Imam with love so deep
Alaykal Salaam, for you our hearts despairingly weep
Your bitter story has touched my soul
Your beloved neck, I weep for your cause.
I cannot fathom the valor and iman
Your faith in Allah I have not yet embraced
I am lacking, Oh Imam, I want your grace
And love and faith and your thrist I want to taste
I cannot comprehend where I must begin
I am a sinner and in your presence I realize the greatness of my sin.