
David Smith

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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I'm a very emotional fish! So beware!...Lol! Well,I am deeply emotional and swayed very much by my emotions;I'm moved very intensely by joy as much as by anger and any other emotion that sways me.I don't remain there too long,though,I hope,for they do tend to consume me!Likewise,I'm deeply sensitive to others' emotions and feelings,which isn't always a good thing;feeling so much empathy
can be more than a little wearin' on the psyche...ooh!
I love bein' creative(and that doesn't mean scenes,as in "Dramaqueen",:-D)and enjoy lookin' at things in different perspectives that makes you view them in a new light.I feel we have a tendency to take everything for granted and cease in the end to even bother lookin' and appreciating what at first glance appears dull and uninteresting.What is great about poetry is it makes us look at something differently and with renewed interest whereas before we saw it as dull and probably never even noticed it.I love how words can express an idea in an abstract way and the way poetry turn things on their head,like how the form can become the content and the content the form.
I love drawing and painting and expressing ideas abstractly in this media,too.I feel that ideas can be reflected from one medium to another and I love the way this can happen and the way the nature of the idea changes.Writing is alot cheaper,even though I'm forever losin' pens and dashing out to buy more,lol!:)I may as well just buy a box of them afterall:).Oh,and a stack of paper,hehehe.
I've an untidy mind:),my thoughts are indeed jumbled,lol;and this seems to help me in my writing;probably because it encourages me to connect one seemingly unrelated idea with another and make some kind of sense of it,which I'm sure certain other writers can relate to here.It does seem to be how artists in general have their minds made up:).And to make some sense of it by writing poetry helps:D.

About My Navel

I have an inny;my belly's eye;
Blindfold most of the time;
It gets to see some light of day,
And a little bit of night.
Fluff forever clogs its vision,
While I'm watchin' television!
No wonder it feels so obscene,
As it's so often kept unseen.

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Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

My favourite poets are:
Sir John Betjeman;his poetry givin' insight into our superficial attitudes and false caring,also for his wittiness,especially for his poems regarding death,as in Before The Anaesthetic or A Real Fright,Death In Leamington and Portrait Of A Deaf Man.
Sylvia Plath;I love her poem,The Mirror!

I love drawing,music and just bein' creative:)...
Ted Hughes;I love The Swallow Of Summer and The Thought Fox and his last book of poetry,Birthday Letters.
Craig Raine I love for the wonderful surrealism in his writing.
Siegfried Sassoon for his very emotional war poems.
E.E.Cummings I enjoy for his lovely ludic poetry.
I love drawing and painting as well as listening to music.:)


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11 years 36 weeks