Trapped inside of my skin


can you help me, I am sinking in my insecurity

barely able to tread water, can anyone save me

my feet no longer can touch the bottom anymore

another wave is getting ready to crash on my shore

and I can barely keep my head above the water, I am sinking fast

and I am praying to God that these feelings that I feel will not last

and it's easier to bleed now then it is to breathe

sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me


I am losing control, losing my grip

I feel so trapped inside of my skin

I am burning inside like a campfire

only to be haunted by my desire

these emotions are intensifying by the day

can anyone take this pain that I feel away

we are all born in the darkness, maybe that's why we fear it

all my pain screams out in the night, does anyone hear it

I am trapped behind a glass wall unable to touch anyone

reaching out but unable to recieve comfort or love

so no matter where I am or who is with me I am still alone

facing the darkness and the fear and the lonlieness on my own

I try to escape but am caught every time by the demons in my head

crawling through the darkness I wonder how long I have been so dead


could I hide my insecurities in a closet

or would they just leak out and tell the world

could I lock my demons up forever in a steel box

or would I still hear their every single word

cause I'm tired of them hovering over me

and them becoming my very worst enemy


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