Put the feeding tube back in


I watch the news every single day

and I don't even know what to say

how could you deprive someone of food

how can you say that it's not crude

just because she can't communicate

just because she is in a vulnerable state

does that give you any right to take away her life

and say that what your doing is what is right

how can you starve her and take her feeding tube out

and say that she doesn't feel a thing without a doubt

well that is a bunch off bullshit, what the hell

what kind of damn lies are you trying to sell

would you do this to a dog cause I don't think you would

but now you've done this just because you knew you could

would you want someone to do this to someone you loved a lot

what if the shoe was on the other foot, someone else in her spot

would you like to watch someone you love starve to death like this

if this was happening to you wouldn't you be really damn pissed

and now where are you going to draw the line after this is over

look at how many questions and situations will be on your shoulder

this is wrong, this is not doing what is right, this is murder

you are killing an innocent person and taking advantage of her

this is a huge mistake, your playing with life and death, committing an unpardonable sin

people are protesting and begging you with all their heart and soul, put the feeding tube back in

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is about the case in Florida where they have taken the feeding tube out of a woman who needs it to survive and are letting her starve to death.

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Joe Logsdon's picture

Couldn't have said it any better myself. It is MURDER. That is what it is. MURDER. When is it okay for someone to control someone's life!?!?!?!?!?!

I loved this, heart felt and I'm sure the way everyone is feeling


Shaketa Copelin's picture

Amen to this! I totally agree along with the rest of America...put the damn feeding tube back in! It's murder!