My Suicide


please don't tell me that tomorrow will be better and that I'll be okay

because it is a lie tomorrow is going to be just as bad as today

because I've been here before and I know how the game works

every single day that goes by just makes the pain worse

when I have a good day it is always by accident

I would like to know what happened and where my happiness went

you give me a pill and tell me that it will make me feel better

take it twice a day with water and then you will be cured forever

but these pills aren't the miracle cure for what I am feeling inside

if only they would make the pain go away and be my escape, my suicide


is death the only way out of this hell

it must be better than these lies you sell

pain always walks right by my side

I need something to be my escape, my suicide

today I feel the same as I did yesterday

I've tried everything to make the pain go away

cause I don't know how much longer I can go on like this

and when I drop a penny in the well feeling okay is my wish

but I don't think that it will come true cause this is not a fairy tale

happily ever afters are not meant for this world everyone's wishes are still for sale

you give me a pill and tell me that it will make me feel better

take it twice a day with water and then you will be cured forever

but these pills aren't the miracle cure for what I am feeling inside

if only they would make the pain go away and be my escape, my suicide


Drowning in my own tears

burned alive by my own fears

dying from my very own pain

all of my efforts have been in vain


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This is AMAZING, and I could totally relate to it as it is exactly how I felt whilst my depressive episodes were at their worst and before I made certain discoveries about myself.
Fantastically well written, I LOVE this piece.
I hope that, if you wrote this about yourself and your own feelings, you are feeling better at the moment - even if it is just slightly better and just a temporary relief then that is better than nothing.