Response to Mr. Morrisons Game

I read Morrison's curious name
a man who thought he
wasn't quite sane
I read about his luring game
the game he called "let's go insane"
it's nothing new, I realized with pain
but I had given it... a different name
the game is played much the same way
but I called it
and we crawled back inside
my mind
to claw and see
what I could find
and what I found... it wasn't kind
turned on itself
this inner mind
blended and scratched
with nothing to say
scratching at chunks to find
a way
to escape the horror
and escape the boredom

Author's Notes/Comments: 

old. lame and old. here for posterity. HA!

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Redroses33's picture

I like this one. I don't agree with your comment of it being lame. I relate to this poem a great deal. I am impressed.