fish in a gun barrel

does anyone know how loaded he was

when he unloaded his gun?

does anyone know how loaded he was

when the slaughter had begun?


does anyone know how crazy he was?

does anyone think he did it because

he thought humans were in season

his brain has a lesion

is it worse if he didn't have any reason?


does anyone know what number of pints

he was planning to spill?

does anyone think he may have just been prescribed

the wrong happy pill?


which god told him to kill all the infidels?

the intellectuals, the homosexuals

even the red-neck-uals

anything can start making sense

when it's imprinted out of context


does anyone know what made him decide

to unload his frist round?

do you think he cared what race or faith

for the victims he left dead on the ground?


does anyone know how Jewish he was?

does anyone know how Buddish he was?

does anyone know if he's a Christian?

had a pot to piss in? did he consider it a sin?


did anyone go to church for the dead

and ask to kneel and pray?

how can you belive in a god

and still carry a card for the NRA?


i thought religion is supposed to instill

a notion that it's not right to kill

it must be a bitter pill

to admit that you're all mentally ill


why do we have a harder time

when there's no enemy to blame?

it doesn't matter how many were killed

the debate is the same


is it alright to hunt or judge you for fun?

is it protection we need from the gun?

the blame is always placed on someone

it's always how the story is spun


only a lunatic

would sell another lunatic a gun

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