Awake again young tired one
And see the light of day.
Listen to me now young boy,
And hear what I have to say.
For dreams may come and dreams may go,
But memories never die.
Remember young child to what I say,
A dream is but a lie.
Please wake up young tired one,
Realities but a dream.
For your reality never is,
Exactly as it seems.
Why act like a hero boy,
An infant with his gun.
Heroes also have to die,
And dying's never fun.
So, dream on boy; don't wake up,
Keep dreaming life away.
For what's the difference between a dream,
And just another day.
I say this poem to you today,
Not just too be mean.
But ask yourself what is real�
Reality or the dream?
wow!! that poem is amazing! i love it!! omg! that is soo good!!