Magister's Demons

The hand that holds the knife is steady;

the controls are headed for a throne

that you may reach unless prevented.

i can see the future under your rule -

chaos, sadness, and destruction comes to all.

There's only one force able to stop you -

an exiled, wandering angel, well equipped

with a shield of wisdom, a sword of truth,

the benefits of time, and a heart of gold.

May you never find the crown you seek.

Why must you be the way you are?

Why must you live the yaw you do?

Your worst enemy is your dearest friend,

even if you torture and kill him again.

You're a bitter, hardened exile with

a thirst for revenge and the will to destroy.

Travel the stars for a way back home;

time and space are your prison cage and key.

Take care and beware to just make sure

you don't take your key and lock yourself.

Several men have been you over years,

many of them well-respected English actors.

Never forget the fates of men -

what is born may live and will die.

Beauty can shine as the darkest beast,

and remember thorns and roses go together

and our loves and hates are not understood.

Where is your rose and your enemy's thorn?

The actors have all shown you well

in taking your rose and giving the camera all.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wrote this earlier this year after finding out that Anthony Ainley had died years ago.  Almost felt like taking some of it back after re-watching "The Time Monster".  Yes, this is another Doctor Who fan poem, written before the end of Series 3 of the new show.

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a good poem you added here and impressive enough and like it much ..hope you write more and never stop such type of sweet poems... my poems are also here with the hope that you will comment few of them to be respected as a good friend ever I got...I am peace wisher poet...maybe your friend too