
I've never worried
about cancer,
or Alzheimer's,
or a stroke;
and I've never feared
an aneurism
or that sudden heart attack.
I've always thought
there's only one of
two ways I will go;

but now,

I'm not so sure.

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running_with_rabbits's picture

being shot or discovering the

being shot or discovering the meaning of life?

I am so confused

Much Love


Faded_shades's picture

I always thought I'd die of

I always thought I'd die of old age or a violent death. But a friend of mine retired a few months ago (health nut) and is younger than me & dying of cancer. I've lived hard and fast with good health, yet Mr Clean has cancer...clickity clack....

running_with_rabbits's picture

:( so sorry to hear that

:( so sorry to hear that Beavis, HUGS


well not sorry to hear you are healthy, happy about that, sorry they are not



Much Love
