
It's not enough.
nothing is enough.
Just the fact that
you brush shoulders
with evil leaves a taint
upon your soul.
And no amount of
good deeds,
positive intentions
or prayer ever really
changes the fact
you encountered
latent evil
where It should
never have been.

View faded_shades's Full Portfolio
running_with_rabbits's picture

This is thus far your best

This is thus far your best post! I wish the top ten was running for it would totally be picked if you submitted it!

Much Love


Faded_shades's picture

Thank you!

Thank you!

Imprinted-soul's picture

This is gold! Couldn't have

This is gold! Couldn't have worded it better..
Your writing is a blessing, no evil can take that away from you! Great work, hanging out to see some more:)

Faded_shades's picture

Thank you so much for your

Thank you so much for your kind words! 

ashes_theartofburning's picture

The ticker is fading.

Sully the mind,

defile the flesh,

contaminate the eyes,

pollute the nose,

infect the ears,

and stain the heart.


Did I mention I was in love with your writings?

Putrid touches of beautiful. <3



"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo

Faded_shades's picture

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! I love your writing as well! I am addicted to my daily stop at ShotGun City

allets's picture

Faith Is Not Faith

...if it is not tested. Evil is the product of the enemy, but the stain fades with time. The nature of free will and freedom as we idealistically practice it declares that evil can freely exist on any clock or map or space. Scars heal. Faith triumphs. If the enemy triumphs - faith fades ~A~



Faded_shades's picture

So true

Thank you, Lady A