The Origin of Swine Flu

Authorities discover the original source of swine flu

within the walls of a Zionist diplomat's wet dream.

Having had enough, the laundry lady throws her bra

into a brush fire, claiming male autonomy while she

stands pissing into flames, extinguishing them, blessing

half-charred trees with state-issued urinal patties.

All citrus-flavored too. Last month, the diplomats

scheduled a meeting with several surviving fruit bugs

from a secret orange grove under the sea. They shake

hands on the banning of shaking hands while changing

the legal finger number to six. Pets are not exempt.

The world court orders mandatory dog leashes to all

pillows over the age of thirteen. Riots ensue, followed

by a banana peel backfire. Not even the best tightrope

walker withstands, so he tries to phone his midgets

and tigers to go under the radar.

However, the phone bites into his ear, causing an end-

less trail of earlobe discharge, ravaging his parasite's

abode. The matter turns into a civil action of remedy

for lost assets. Though halfway in, the judge's hammer

breaks in two, requiring overnight medical attention.

But once there, the E.R. flaunts a No Vacancy sign due

to mandatory injections of the actual swine flu.

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