Sean & Valerie's Date

"You this for is," declares Sean the teeth-flasher, womanizer,

honeycomb-giver. Valerie, accepting his gesture, scoops

a sample and throws it with the others. She then introduces

her dad, Tobacco Pipe, and her mom, Knitting Needles (who

goes by Knittles), until they're dismissed.

"Have a nice orgasm. Be back before the third."

Sean scans for puddles. "Over there! Walk on my coat!"

He sticks an arm out for her; beats his chest with the other.

(...) Tarzan, no Sean, opens the door's car for her.

"Table for two?" inquires the troll on the pencil. After a drink-

while-you-wait, they're seated, given severed heads, and asked

to listen for their choices until the servants reattach themselves.

Meanwhile, they unfold their napkin aprons and chat.

Sean:                      Well, from my experience, I've [...]

Valerie's breasts:     Look at me when I'm talking to you!

The entree finally arrives, and Valerie invites Sean to her plate

where he sticks his fork in slowly. Sean returns the flavor. (...)

And the waiter returns Saun's card with two cigarettes.

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