Can you please me


Can you Please me?

Are you up to the challenge of

causing my brain to spasm from the

thought of you touching me.

See I am not simplistic although

the blood rushes south the rest

of me still needs to be stimulated

I need to be kissed where every follicle feels

your lips caressing me.

Rub me as if you are treasuring a jewel and adoring my flesh

Map my entire frame with your tongue until I

tingle, shimmer, seizure.

Evoke Marvin in biblical proportions as I Holla in tongues.

Are you up to this challenge?

I have made you orgasm in double digits

By hand, by tongue by me submerged into your

cosmic galaxy of lust and love.

You've flooded sheets several days dazed after my performance.

So now I ask you

Can you Please me?

I've laced your body with honey and watch you glistens before I dined

I bathed you from the tip to the top

remember begging me to stop because my tongue tickled in some places.

Your hands were reddened from bald fists as I held you in midair.


Catch your breath.

Can you please me?

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K S's picture

Damn I'm feeling this...Very well written..had me going...Godd Job

Suicidalleming's picture

Oh my goodness. I'm sitting in class breaking out in a case of some serious goosebumps and flushed face. You made me look forward to tomorrow when I plan to please the one who pleases me... Lovin this.

Love & respect through poetry

Tamikka Simmons's picture


Ay Caliente!!!!

Wow you had me flustered with this

I have made you orgasm in double digits
By hand, by tongue by me submerged into your
cosmic galaxy of lust and love.
You've flooded sheets several days dazed after my performance.
So now I ask you
Can you Please me?

Man I have got to try this with my significant other

madamegiggles's picture

Wow! What an amazingly sexual and sensual read! I love this poem, shocking but in a good way, affectionate and down right hot!

Lasohnda Harris's picture are somethin else i digs it

"See I am not simplistic although
the blood rushes south the rest
of me still needs to be stimulated
I need to be kissed where every follicle feels
your lips caressing me. "