Chapter One the early years
You look at me
In some ways, adorn me
As if I represent some form of perfection
I spin no tangle webs
So I hand you the pages to me to thumb through
I was born blue faced
The devil sent a taxi to Terminate me to prevent future domination
I should have know then god was on my side
I never read much into being born a day before his son
Life was a pleasant place to be
Until then man who made showed he was not yet a man
Nurturer was forced into role as provider and groomer of men
Thus separation began
See her life soon become more important to her
Which to a stranger becoming dad
A stranger becoming dad
A stranger becoming
Dad and he knew not how to be a father, provider
So the curb became my pillow and thrift named the mall
I managed malnourished to still maintain my mind
Oh, he gets such good grades
“He’s still a worthless nigga”
Picked up on parkways
When sun sets
end friend plays
Cause I got to get to the drop spot
Shelter soon became vacated premises
Forgotten by municipalities to demolish
For dinner, I had dreams of going to college
And never knowing hunger pains again
Stench of self forgotten
And smile unseen for a decade because it’s decayed
End Chapter One
Write is out, my beautiful friend. Write it out.
Peace & Poeticness
This poem really touched me. You write from the heart and I could have almost been there with you. Beautiful descriptions and I'm left wondering about chapter 2. Its great!
my dear special one this poem was very heartfelt and my heart goes out to u