Profound Resistance

I can't seem to understand and regulate

The feeling clawing desprately at my brain

I'm so sick of the tension, the build up pain

I never thought, once, thing's would turn out this way.

Building up my barriers, hiding myself

Never speaking a complaint, never asking for help

Pushing others away, isolating myself from the world

Shouting distance cries that will never be heard.

I was never one to care what others saw in me

I usually hide myself from the crowd so easily

Lately, I've wondered who this monster is I see

Who's constantly taunting me, starring back at me

[With such utter and complete malice and glee.]

I look forward and my site is lost

My worlds amounting to complete chaos

Biting my tongue, in need of vengence

The perfect image of a profound resistance.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(January 14, 2007.)

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Seth Roseworth's picture

I love this one. You can definitely turn it into song.. or were you already thinking that? I love the verses and the rhythm. Especially the last stanze with, "lost, chaos, vengeance, resistance." It's the perfect rhythm for a song. Keep up the amazing work, dear. It's truly amazing.