No Apologies

My hearts frozen.

I'm isolated from the world.

I can't help but wonder,

Who is this girl?

I look in the mirror and cringe,

I don't know who I am deep within.

I'm lost,

Throwing cautions to the wind.

Lost in the dark,

I can't even find the tiniest spark.

Happiness is fake,

I can't seem to find any faith.

Life's nothing but a blur to me,

I'm sorry, I have no apologies.

A pain inside so harsh,

I find comfort only in the dark.

A metallic essence running through,

My mouth, my arms, my bodies no good.

I'm slowly decaying,

I can't find a reason anymore,

To make this pain fade.

It's always there somehow,

I feel like I'm withering in the ground.

Frozen, slowly...

I'm losing reasons to search and see...

My heart's frozen,

I'm isolated from the world.

I can't help but wonder,

Who is this girl?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(January 11, 2007.)

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Seth Roseworth's picture

This poem is completely amazing. I love the format and the rhyme with it. It's like reading a story through simile form... this is truly an equisite meal of words.