Dwell Upon the Awakening

Look at this bird as it sores so gracefully

And yet, it's wings were clipped, falling faithlessly.

You're caged, locked and bound deep inside

You're losing sense in who you are, your pride.

Shattered into a million pieces, not easily replaced

Losing traces of who you are, drowning in disgrace.

And yet, the people around you are fooling you, fakes

Making you believe this is your only destiny, only fate.

You've reached out to no one, only trusting yourself

Never complaining, begging for forgiveness or help

It's like a sudden spark amoungst the built up chaos

Finally regaining yourself after you felt all was lost.

Falling to my knees, tear stains crept over my cheeks

Nothing in this life is ever so cruel, but sadly never so easy

I can't go back no, no I won't go back to the misery and pain

I will walk with my head high, and dwell upon the awakening.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(January 20, 2007.)

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Seth Roseworth's picture

Truly profound... my heart started aching through out it. It thoroughly describes true feeling and physical and mental though. The words... the regards... the regain... truly, this one is one of my favorites.