The Wolf Is Out

You try to break me, destroy me completely

And yet, you continue to try and not even phase me

I stand firm in my resolve, I hold not fear in my mind

I walk through the struggles with fire in my eyes.

I'm grounding my teeth together, I can't hold back

I'm beginning to lose focus, I'm drifting from this path

You're unleashing a demon that has never been seen

I'm giving you ten seconds to run, oh god, stay away from me.

Your words are piercing my ears, I'm drowning in doubt

I've never felt so alert, the blood is pumping so swiftly

You'd better start running, thw wolf is finally out

You have no idea what you've done, what you've unleashed.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(March 16, 2007.)

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Dark and mysterious... the perfect setting for a wolf on the prowl.