Barbed Wire

I'm clenching onto my lost hopes, tangled in my misery

I can't seem to find the will to live, I'm running out of energy.

I'm caught up in this chaos, my mind reeling out of control

I feel as though all is lost, I'm hanging by a thread with any hope.

I'm clinging desprately onto my dreams, I'm falling endlessly

I can't seem to find the strength to carry out my being.

I'm losing grip on what I need, my soul losing it's withered light

I feel as though I'm alone, everything I held dear is being left behind.

I'm screaming silently with tears, I'm drifted to far away

I can't seem to find the answers to make these questions fade.

I'm slowly falling apart, my body is slowly beginning to crumble

I feel as though I've died, I've given into this never ending struggle.

The blood is seeping like memories through my very veins

I've finally lost sight of my life, because I've fallen for far to long

I can't seem to escape the deathly grip of this scarring barbed wire

I feel as though I'm finally giving up, leaving behind everything I ever lived for.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(March 15, 2007.)

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Forgotten One's picture

don't give up baby. you're so strong. this is really strong and intense writing. i love it.

Seth Roseworth's picture

I love it. I love the feeling of being trapped.. and then finally finding that freedom in giving up... I love the wording and the pictures I get when I read this. I love it. Great job, m'dear.