Dear Little Evan, #1

Dear Little Evan,

I know that today was a hard day for you. I want you to know that those kids in your class were wrong to make fun of you. They were wrong to call you slowpoke during your turn to lead the train. I know you're hurting right now, and it's okay to cry. There's nothing wrong with you, sweet boy. It's not your fault that you can't walk as fast as the other boys in your class. Trust me when I tell you, you won't always be slow. Trust me when I tell you that when you're in eighth grade you'll be the fastest kid in your class! I promise. You're gonna win a foot race in gym class around the soccer field by twenty feet!


Right now your hips are still healing from the Perthes. That isn't your fault either. You may walk a little slower now but it won't always be that way. God's taking you places, Little Evan, I promise; and He's gonna walk right by your side, as fast or as slow as you're able to go. He will never leave you behind. You've got a lot of walking ahead of you, don't you worry about that. Someday those kids who teased you in class will be struggling to keep up with you, and amazed at how far you've gone! As for trains, maybe you didn't get to lead the train at playtime today, but someday, little Evan, you get to work on trains. You get to tear em' apart and put em' back together, just like your dad does. Keep walking, Little Evan. Keep your head held high. And never, ever forget: you don't walk slow, you're just taking your time because you have a lot farther to go.


From me to you,


Big Evan

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This hits me in those parts

This hits me in those parts of my heart that have never fully recovered from similar treatment when I was in elementary school.

Starwardist [fk