It's time to write a poem
as The inspiration has run dry
this week, ins pite of terrible news!
has been wonderfu!
ah, I met a girl, silly me,
married man that I am!
but, my wife is pregnant m, you see!
the child
should I be cryying my eyeess out?
probably not...
I'd been asking 4 some green lite
hard to beat
a child coceived
in adultery as a sign
Pretty DaMMM clear!
my teacher, Mr. DuNNNNN
told me grammar werent importint
he told me, Brake them rulez!
and then, he told
Brandie's Vanhorneee
not to useeee.z
"the grass is always greener"
in a poem.
and that poem was so fucking beautiful!
man's. Did I luv it sooooo much!:).&
And Mers. hewitt, who I loved so dear
said, poetry really shouldn't cuss!
fuck that!
so I
Met thus gurl
And realized, I'm quite unavailable. Wow. I need to work on me. All I have to offer is friendship. Who would have thought that could be? I need to put myself back together, and create healthy boundaries.
like grammur and syntax
and I know I should follow those silly, damn rules
a damn weird
Damn shame!
but my therapist is right about this.... and I know she's right....
bumbimdiddly I'm buttfartshitpussypiss!
That's not very Christian of me. To talk like this....
But I'm happy. And content to say
let's be friends
and should
someday down---------------
aaaaaa---------- the -------
a friendship, after my sivorce and after I heal and I after I mourne the loss of my wife and and and.... and....
well, if if someday, things don't work out
and I just made me a friend
I'm really fucking happy to have met a girl I'm excited about again. :)