no answers

I am all that i can be yet I'm still all alone. what more does the world want? Do they want my life, my heart, my love? Why is it that I'm so lonely is there an answer to this question. Oh never mind I'll figure it out. But in the end you will only know me by the words written on these pages. I am lonely is the answer to all that is inside, so make of it what you want but no one, not even me, can understand this mystery. This must be a joke so go ahead and laugh. You may never know who i really am.... Sucks to be you...

    Being smart is like being inside the dungeon of my mind. Will i forever stay silent, or will the words flow from my mouth like lava from a mountain ... You decide to listen or not...

    I exist end of story, no love will flow though my veins but compassion and sympathy remain inside this lonely heart only books fill the void of time and my life. But escaping should no longer be my means of living, but who decides what life hand us. Be smart just to be miserable be ignorant and you've got the world. Wheres the sense in that? I will never know but do not fear me as i am but a girl lost in an adult world... wheres the sanse in that?...  

    Always questions but no answers... like a dream you forget whene you wake up. wheres the sense in that? There is'nt any that i can find. I hope the world makes sense some day but tor today unanswered questions will fill my mind. I hope you come to me some day my very imagioned prince charming. only the books and unanswedered questions left of me, and will forever remain of me till the day you come and rescue me. So take your time I've got to finish this book, and hopefully find the answers I seek. Leave me now, for i have yet to finish, you may soon understand the secrets inside, but don't be fooled by this fake facade, read between the lines or forever be lost, just like me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

theres another part to this poem i just havent typed it yet.

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