No rest from war
always at the gates of Troy
waiting to breach the walls
and bring an end to the chaos
There is no peace,
everyday is hell in the fight for the soul,
wills seek to oppress me,
but my fighting spirit lives on
Its been to far long on the frontline,
spears have left wounds
in my heel
One day I will win and go to elysium
and be released from this life
and I will bury myself in the bosom
of a virgin
I like how you encapsulize
I like how you encapsulize the whole myth in this brief, but powerful, poem. And while some of the ancient poets wou;d have us believe that Achilles waited for Polyxena after he entered Elysium, I somehow suspect he might have entered that storied realm with an eye out for Patroclus, who had arrived there ahead of him.
Thank You. I like to see
Thank You. I like to see Achilles as kind of like a tortured soul waiting for his release from the perils of life.