Man Flesh for the Reptiles “Hiss Hiss”

They stress you out your whole life,

slow burn,

slow poison


After your dead,

they want to slice you up

and sell you off


Stress you out to have

your pituitary gland 

full of cortisol 


Every organ is of value;

they care little for life,

only for death


Fear is their drug

more addicting then crack

the reptile feeds off the terror

of all mankind


Keep them stressed out,

kill them "hiss hiss",

tasty man flesh


Like unto pork a savory meat;

they are our slaves and our food;


We shall cull the herd,

drive them like lambs to the slaughter 


No mercy,

we drink their blood


We are evil;

we hate humans "hiss hiss"


They are our enemies 

but they taste so delicious 



We have to fatten them up

keep them stressed out.

yes "hiss hiss"






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