Non existence

There is no end to what you

feel, there is no hope to overcome or change, every day is exactly the same, existence is resistant, struggling to figure out just what it is your supposed to do. And the clock is always ticking letting you know that every second counts, This cloud constantly hanging over your head, sometimes you just wish you were dead, not having to worry, just be without the temporal division, out of time and space, complete non existence, to be free of it all, to be happy by not being at all, is that not the meaning of the word? What you really mean to say is that you do not want to be happy, because in order to attain the definition you would have to not be at all. Being happy would be not being, being unhappy would be the status quo of existing in reality as a subject of stressful emotional stimuli, thus affirming the negative conflict that an organism experiences in life

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simple logic, trust in logic

simple logic, trust in logic -- always wind and fuzzy but never messy... barefoot contessa would agree but has no time left for me

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Logic leads to reality, which

Logic leads to reality, which is negativity or contradiction. Thus saying you can be happy is a direct contradiction to the reality you experience.