Salty Death

Weights strapped to your lower legs

launched into the frigid pit

falling deeper into the stygian pool

your lungs filled to the very brim

no hope of avoiding the result

that this very moment has brought you to:

a salty death


You will choke and scream but no one will be there to hear

your pleas as the water will continue to enter your mouth,

deeper and deeper, you will cascade down into the darkness,

suffocated by the salty poison, wishing death would come



All but Forgotten, you will sleep with the fishes,

they will engorge themselves on your rotting flesh,

unseen to humans eyes, where light cannot touch,

the bottom of the ocean that timeless abyss where

everything vanishes.


A salty death is what you get,

discarded of like human excrement

reused and reused,

nothing but fish food.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is how the Mob gets rid of their evidence. I saw it in an episode of the Sopranos.

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