Talking to myself


I can't tell the world my sorrows I can't tell my friends my pain I can't talk to my family for I have none. So im left to talking to myself in hopes of helping myself cope. But how can I deal with it if it never ends. From morning to night in the past days, I wonder how many uncounted tears have fallen. I try to take a deep breath but even that is suffocating. What was once a vision has become a nightmare. What was once a blessing has become a curse. What was once perfection has become gruesome and ugly. What was once beautiful has turned monstrous. I try and try and try until I have nothing left. But it seems trying on my own isn't enough & sometimes its good to reach out for help.. So I seek out for it and pray for the best..... And even that back fires. Alone in my tears I sigh, alone in the shallow depths of my pain I am Alone in this... And all I can do is talk to myself in hopes of it turning out okay. If I could only have a glimps of the future for a second..Just to know that everything will be okay. I wish I could talk to you. I wish oh how I wish.

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Perhaps don't try. Be one

Perhaps don't try. Be one with a shopping cart and it fills itself.