I flew off to the land of my dreams
Stitched my story with unsure seams
Less of my canvas I filled
Instead my colours, on me they spilt
I was enriched with yellows and reds
Bright as the sun, intense like rose-beds
As I laughed and lived, lost in an unknown universe
Where all remained surreal, nothing adverse
I was dancing with splashes of violet
With a blushing pink and a laughter of purple I was met
Lost in greens of my breakable dreamland
Washed on the shore of the shimmering golden of the sand
Little did I know that storm would hit
That I would be tornadoed by the black with every bit
Isolated in greys, that I'd never choose
Left someplace far away singing the blues
Drop by drop, did the warmth seep back in me
The shivering slowed, and again I could see
Though now I have nothing to say, you'd think I've turned dumb
Because the storm of tears, has left me dumb
There again it strikes
Though I don't feel it this time
Unworried about darkness, unworried about light
Just vanished somewhere in a neutral white
Now I'm drenched, I'm soaking wet
Though seep into me, these colours I let
My end is only the begining and there are so many colours yet
To be filled in my already overflowing palette.
Love this one. Speaks the
Love this one. Speaks the colours of life x