Not Only a Toy

When people see this picture, they think about a ball, a spherical plastic toy used to have fun. But, for me and many other people, this is not only a ball, it is more complicated than just a simple noun or definition. This is every single child, young man, and father memory of that moment of happiness, pride, sadness, and many other feelings you undergo through. But I did not learn all of this by myself, one person guided me. That person is my father. Since I was three years old, I first met a soccer ball. My parents gave it to me as a gift. My father taught me, not only how to kick it, but how to move with it. Since that moment, I always never wanted to stay away from the ball (Of course I don’t remember this, I was told). My father signed me up in a soccer team when I was only 4 years old. At first, I didn´t want to go to practice because I could only kick the ball, but somehow I always ended in the soccer field. I never understood why my father wanted me to go practice when I was so little until some years later. My father showed me that “the practice makes the master”. During those times of hard work, there were some good and bad days. I got hurt by my rival´s tackles, also got injured, but I didn´t mind about the entire physical factors, my mentality kept focused on returning to the soccer ground and try to get back my shot, and there was my father to support me. He encouraged me when I couldn´t by myself. And this is another experience I learned “Whenever you fall down, try to get up as fast as you can”. And by now, you may be wondering why I highlight too much the moment when I learned how to kick the ball. Well, it is because I wanted to be prepared for that moment in which I have to confront the goalkeeper, and have to score a goal. And the last and most important experience I learned is that in my daily life, I have to be prepared for that moment when I have to confront an obstacle, and so “score a goal” or succeed. These moments come back to me when I start playing football, all of these experiences contained “inside” the ball.

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I like this poem because I believe that everyone has gone through something like that only with a different subject.I remember how my parents would make me practice all kinds of dances for hours even if I didn't like them.The best thing that came out of practie is that I have great balance and coordination.You started playing at a young age just like a lot of us and it's good to remember a little about your past.