One Tear Shed


How can this happen

After so very long

It hurts so much inside

I long to be in the past

But, Here I am

Stuck in this moment

Which seems to be forever

I need to get out

Promises have been broken

I have been betrayed successfully

By the people who seemed important

And loved me so much

They only care about themselves

I try not to care about myself

I do a good job at this

But them....them

They shove it right into your face

Like a boulder would hit you

It left a mark

A big mark

I shed one tear

Then I become angry and say screw this

It's not big deal

It's there problem, not mine

I've decided to stay away

Become my own antisocial human

By staying out of this sick world

And making it my way

Now it's time that I start thinking

For myself and about myself

Because I am me

And I'm here to take care of me.

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Jess's picture

VERY TRUE!!!!! go erica