erica rosas

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

i am a passionate person in every sense of the word. i love art music and literature... anything creative. i love nature. i was saved 4 years ago something i thought would never be for me mostly because I couldnt see the truth in it or evidence... i told God 3 years ago that if he was real he would have to prove it to me.. and he did.. and continues to. and he has turned my life around so much in such a short time. i was once filled with pain and depression and hopelessness and he has shed some light into my life and brought me joy and hope. and i have been blessed to have real experiances with him that give me such a stability to know that he is real and exists in my life. i pray that he does the same for you if he hasnt yet.

About My Navel

looks like a star

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

"the rain to the wind said 'you push and il pelt', they so smote the garden beds that the flowers actually knelt and lay -lodged- thought not dead, I know how the flowers felt" - Robert Frost "lodged"


Member for
13 years 22 weeks