I stood there in line talking to my friend.
We were waiting amoungst a group of liberals,
All of us anxious to see Michael Moore explain his views.
And there they were, standing in front of me.
They were the same height.
I don't think either of them were more than 30 years old.
Both had dreadlocks.
Hers was the color of the dirt and graced the middle of her back.
While his blonde hair was tied back by using two of his clumped dreads.
They were perfect together.
So happy.
She glowed with beauty,
Bashfully allowing part of her pregnant stomach to protrude from under her shirt.
He stood by rubbing her back and holding her hand.
I stood behind them in line and dreamed of where I would be in 10 years.
Would I be married?
Will I be pregnant with my first child too?
What will I be doing for a living, and for that matter, where will I be living?
What will I look like?
What will define me?
My mind was being swamped with questions.
And the only answer I could find was in those two people ahead of me.
They were so happy together.
Their happiness reminded me all I needed was to be happy.
So happy...